Year of Jubilee!!!

We received this testimony of financial miracle from a member of our church. God is so good!!

Last week I was sharing with a friend about our financial struggles and how we are behind on our house payments and was in need of a miracle. I told her of the prophetic word that had been spoken over us and how I know God is faithful and he was going to take care of the situation. I also shared how my husband was struggling with a client and how I felt that we should forgive him of the debt he owes us; even though we need the money we need to bless them and forgive the debt. He met with the client the next day and told him that we are forgiving the debt so that it didn’t cause any hard feelings between us he was willing to let it go and he knew we were both struggling financially and this is a way we can bless him and make it easier for him.

My friend gave me this scripture Deuteronomy 15:1-6. I have never heard of the Year of Jubilee before and it really got me excited. I started to pray and claim this as the year of Jubilee for our family.

We were three months (almost four) behind on our mortgage. We spoke to our mortgage company last week and found out that we didn’t qualify for any help and we had to have one payment in by July 1st and the other three payments by July 20th. I knew what God had promised and the prophetic word that has been spoken about this situation. Then a check came in that would allow us to make one payment and give us a couple more weeks of breathing room. We were so grateful and praising God, knowing he would provide the rest.

I know our faith is being tested. Exercising this muscle getting us ready for what God has called us to do.

Monday I went to intercessory prayer and asked everyone what happened in church on Sunday since we were out of town. One thing that that was  mentioned was that God gave a word to Pastor Randy of this being a year of Jubilee and Randy imparted it to the body. I knew that affirmed what God had showed me. Keep in mind that God had made a way for us to make one house payment so we were praising him and thanking him for what he had provided, but today God took it to a whole new level.

Tuesday we called to make a mortgage payment and they asked why? We were told that we didn’t owe a payment until August 1st and for the next three months our payments have been reduced. My husband couldn’t believe his ears and asked him to repeat it three times. We never made an agreement with our mortgage company. The paper work we filled out was denied because we didn’t qualify for assistance. God is our advocate and he provided a way for us not only to keep our house but to have reduced payments. I am in awe of him and his love for us.

Let this testimony affirm to you that this truly is the year of Jubilee for Summit church!!!

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