Treasure Hunt Report

Treasure Hunt is just a name given to a scheduled opportunity to do what God wants us doing all the time – changing the atmosphere of our community and touching people’s lives. Here’s a report from our latest treasure hunting opportunity.

  • On the treasure hunt Friday night, At Wal-mart Brian saw a women hunched over a walker. They asked what was wrong and she told them that she had herniated disks, he asked if he could pray for her. They prayed and she said she felt heat all over her body. They prayed again and she was totally healed. Later in Wal-mart they say her husband sitting on the walker and she was bent down looking at something on the bottom shelf!
  • One group had an opportunity to help someone with their car that had broken down. Brain asked Alisha if there were any jumper cables in the van. Alisha didn’t think there were, but Fran spoke up with a word of knowledge and said, “back of the van, drivers side, little pouch.” So Brian went to the back of the van and found them in a little pouch on the drivers side. He said, “I found them.” Fran said, “Are they orange?” Brain said, “nope you missed that one.” Everyone laughed. Our God is so cool and He likes to have fun with us!
  • The other group didn’t find all their treasures, but one of our youngest hunters (a seventh grader) had the opportunity to pray with a woman and her daughter for financial blessings. There is no “junior” Holy Spirit – praise God!

For more information about how to do your own Treasure Hunts or join in on one of ours, you can email

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