Torn Rotator Cuffs Healed

In late October, I was suffering from injured rotator cuff injuries on both arms. I am the only financial provider for my family of 3. I was unable to work and was considering going on disability because the pain was so severe. I could not even lift my 4-year-old child. Things were getting desperate financially and emotionally. On Sunday morning, I went forward for prayer, and Mrs. Dana prayed for me. I didn’t feel any different. However, the next day, I had a job that required me to work with my arms over my head for 12 hours. I dreaded the pain I would suffer and hoped I could actually do the work. But my finances were in dire straits, and I had to try at least. I started working, and at lunchtime, my wife called to see how I was doing. I realized that I had been so focused on the job that I did not realize I had no pain. We rejoiced. But I was cautious because I knew I still had a lot of work ahead of me. When I arrived home that night my wife and I rejoiced as I shared with her that I had no pain all day and my arms were over my head for all of that work. This was something I could NOT do for over 2 months. I picked up our little girl and we rejoiced together that Jesus healed my torn rotator cuffs!!!


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