Taiwan Followup Report

God showed up and showed off in Taiwan as we trained inner healing teams for two churches as well as releasing the prophetic gifting into the body there. As SOZO was being ministered to the leaders of the church they were getting free from lies they had believed from childhood. Several of the ladies were sexually molested as children by relatives or friends. What a joy to see them healed from the devastation of such an invasion of the enemy.

One lady said…

Through the ministry I was directed to meet God in deeper ways through Sozo, my life has gained freedom both in relationship to God, to man and to myself. I feel so much lighter.

Another reported…

?I received a prophetic word about carrying loads that I was not meant to carry. This together with my Sozo training has released me from a lot of unhealthy manipulation in relationships.

Yet another is telling everyone in sight how God has turned her life upside down through her Sozo encounter, and is continuing to testify of the release she feels deep in her heart and in every aspect of life.

SOZO whacked them with encounter.

Then the Co-Pastor said of her Husband…

He was watching you and the others step out in prophecy in the meetings, so Sunday morning he also began by prophesying over people. Words of knowledge, prophecy, etc. is happening in every meeting we have had since. ? Hallelujah! We all feel upgraded in the use of spiritual gifts! It is exciting!

God be glorified!

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