What’s the GOOD NEWS?
We always begin our staff meetings with reports of what God has been doing. Here’s the latest.
- Christy was texting one of her friends and he said his neck was hurting. So she prayed for him over text…. and his neck was healed!
- Cheryl’s back was hurting and she came up for prayer, they were praying for her and a word came forth that was totally right on. Her back was healed over about 30 minutes time and relationships are starting to be mended in her life. Go God!
- Lisa received approval to do her bible study at her mobile home park.
- Liz was able to schedule a phone interview with one of Kay Bailey Hutchison’s aides.
- We had a large turn out at the burn!
- Ashley was able to pray for a lady at work. When she was healed she looked at Ashley and said, “You’re a Healer.”
Walls are coming down at the Hilton!
- Amy & Andrew received two checks in the mail on the same day!