Staff Testimony Report – 4/21/09

The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy . (Rev. 19:10)

  • Linda’s back was hurting her on Saturday and Russ laid his hands on her and he could feel the inflammation go down and the pain left her. Also she has had confirmation that she is hearing form God.
  • There are people who are starting to get excited about getting a cash flow plan in working order.
  • There are reports of dyslexia and autism being healed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ashley has an interview tomorrow at 10 for a promotion!
  • The number 1 radio station in Turkey (a 99% Muslim nation) is a Christian radio station.
  • In Turkey there are limbs growing out and tumors disappearing!
  • Brian and Jessica’s mortgage payment was reduced!
  • A few people told Joel on Sunday that when they walked into the sanctuary the smelled something sweet! The presence in such a sweet smell!

For those who might be wondering why we are including reports of what is going on in Turkey: we believe that if God can do it there, He can do it here! We will testify of what God has done no matter where it happens, and always say, “Do it again, God!!

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