Prayer Request from Guatemala

I am writing you to share a special prayer request with you.  But first an update on the previous prayer requests:

The ministry to teens in San Marcos came to an end without becoming a church plant.  One of the Catholic teachers in the school rallied the teens and parents (including several that we had ministered to) in order to tell them that recent events didn’t warrant a change of religion (he was advising them to stay in the Catholic church).  Those that continued to faithfully attend the Bible studies were members of other Protestant churches.  In the end many lives were touched and people realized that the Lord is the only One that can help them with such needs.

Cesar did enter the Teen Challenge rehabilitation center in Guatemala City.  I have not been able to talk directly with him since leaving him there, but his parents have let me know that he has had a rough time adjusting and has wanted to leave at times.  Please pray that he allow the Lord to do a tremendous work in his heart.

I appreciate your prayers for the confidential problem in the leadership of one of the local churches that I asked for you to pray about.  I have talked to some people and things do look a bit better at this point.

The special request that I mentioned at the beginning of this e-mail is for a church here that is planning to open a alcohol and drug rehabilitation center here in Jacaltenango.  This may happen as early as mid-December.  I cannot tell you how great of a need this is for Jacaltenango.  Please pray for Dios de Pactos (God of Covenants) church and for all that is needed for this new ministry to be successful.  It will be a tremendous step of faith for this church.


Comments 6

  1. DemetriTavlarides

    Pleaseask the Lord to heal all my body and soul Jesus GOD and my immediate family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my father in heaven

  2. DemetriTavlarides

    Pleaseask the Lord to heal all my body and soul Jesus GOD and my immediate family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my father in heaven and my aunt s and my cousin in

  3. DemetriTavlarides

    Pleaseask the Lord to heal all my body and soul Jesus GOD and my immediate family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my father in heaven and my aunt s and my cousin and my father in heaven and my immediate need

  4. DemetriTavlarides

    Pleaseask the Lord to heal all my body and soul Jesus GOD and my immediate family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my father in heaven and my aunt s and my cousin and my father in heaven and my immediate need and my ideas and patents ideas

  5. DemetriTavlarides

    Pleaseask the Lord to heal all my body and soul Jesus GOD and my immediate family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my father in heaven and my aunt s and my cousin and my father in heaven and my immediate need and my ideas and patents ideas and my brother sbuissness make s a mint

  6. DemetriTavlarides

    Pleaseask the Lord to heal all my body and soul Jesus GOD and my immediate family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my brother in law and his family and my father in heaven and my aunt s and my cousin and my father in heaven and my immediate need and my ideas and patents ideas and my brother sbuissness make s a mint and my friend s Joe and George and sush are pray ed for

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