Photo Credit: lake.sider via Compfight cc
Denis Morley, Debe Wright, and I (Lisa Tate) went to Dallas to the new Klyde Warren Park on May 11, 2013. Denis had received a word from the Lord that people would be healed on this trip. We had gone with the express purpose of blessing mothers (since the next day was Mother’s Day) and to share God’s Kingdom, carry the light.
As soon as we entered the park we saw a lady who was sitting down with her right shoe off, rubbing her foot. We went over to ask her if she was a mother and she responded that she was. We told her that we had come to the park to bless mothers and thank them for being moms. We also had taken Hawaiian leis with us to give them as a point of contact. After we blessed her we asked her if we could pray for her. She told us that she has arthritis in her right knee and ankle. We prayed for her. As we walked away, she told us that she was already feeling better. We saw her walking a short time later and she was walking normally, no signs of limping or favoring the leg.
We blessed mothers of every nationality and age group we could find. Time and time again, they responded with thanks and that it was so nice that we would do that for them. We saw several of them who were still wearing their leis long after we had blessed them.
As we were praying for the women, one of the men sitting at a table with a woman we had blessed asked us if we had something for him. We told him that we could pray for him. He agreed and allowed us to pray for him. His name was James and we received a word for him that he would find the answer to a question he was asking God about in the book of James. He admitted he had never read the book of James and seemed eager to find out what it had to say for him.
One teenage boy ran after us to ask us to bless his mother and he took us to her. We blessed her and also blessed him for being such an awesome son.
We met a grandmother who was raising her grandchildren who allowed us to pray for her. As we prayed for her, her countenance changed and we could see that we had ministered to her.
When we got back to the train station to start our trip back home, we found a lady who looked very sick. Her eyes were dull, she was all slumped over. We stood and talked to her for a little bit and then asked her if we could pray for her. She agreed to let us pray. She had a terrible congested cough. The first time we prayed for her she appeared to be stronger. Denis then put his hand on her back and said he could feel the rattling in her chest. We prayed again. Suddenly she got up and walked over to the rail and coughed up a lot of mucus. She came back over and sat down and told us that we looked familiar. When we told her that we were from Wylie she asked what we were doing there. We told her that we had gone to the park to pray for mothers. She informed us that she was a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother. We asked if we could pray for her again. Suddenly as we prayed we could see her countenance change, she started to worship God, quite loudly. We were all laughing and rejoicing with her. When her train arrived, as she got on the train she yelled “I feel good!” She was definitely a changed woman.
This was our second trip for the express purpose of Treasure Hunting. We noticed that it was easier this time, easier to approach people, definitely easier to minister as we brought the Kingdom to the people. We had taken along approximately 50 leis with us and we went home empty handed but overflowing hearted. We had gone to bless others and received so much back in return. We found lots of treasure just waiting to be discovered!