More Divine Justice…

We received this report earlier this month…

I had received a letter from the Health and Human Service Commission on Thursday stating that I was being investigated for fraud. There was a discrepancy in our reported income for nearly a year. I called the agency and was told that we would not only have to pay back the overpayment, but that I would lose any benefits I was entitled to over the next 12 months. I was frustrated after this phone conversation because I knew I had reported everthing I was supposed to.

The next day I received another letter in the mail, but this one was for the investigator in charge of my case. I called and left a message for her to call me back. While waiting for the call, we prayed for Divine Justice in the situation and put it in God’s hands.

The investigator called back within the hour and we discussed the case. After reviewing it further it was decided that I did report what I was supposed to report and it was a mistake on the agency’s behalf. We do still have to pay back any overpayment, but I will not lose my benefits and my case no longer falls under fraud!! Praise the Lord for all the wonderful things He does for us on a day to day basis. We are SO blessed!

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