Local Body – World Impact

Members of Summit’s family are currently visiting Swaziland, working with a ministry there. Bob and Zeta have strong connections there, but this is their first opportunity to go there and minister together. They’ve already seen miracles on this trip. One of the most exciting:

swaziland_flag_mapA woman was wheeled to the church by her family; they were afraid she would not survive the night. Zeta prayed with her, I joined her after a while and helped her sit up. Her pain began to go. We arranged to meet her Friday afternoon at her home.

When we arrived, we were told that her kidneys had started to function again. She looked different and did not have any pain. We prayed for full restoration of health. At the same time, three other women were fully healed before we left the home and went to church.

Continue to pray for rest for the members of the missions team, for God to continue to move and change lives, and for God to change the culture and the atmosphere throughout Swaziland!

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