In 2014 the engineering firm (K&A) that I had worked for over 25 years started the process of closing; my boss was finally retiring at 80 years old. I was really anxious about looking for another job and kept putting off the entire effort. One day, I received a call (which I missed) and an email from an associate I had worked with in the past. K&A had worked with him on several projects for the State Energy Office. He and several others had started a general contracting company (E3) in 2009. In his email, he asked me what exactly I did for K&A. He said he was looking for someone like me. At this point in my life, I was wondering if he would actually hire me, or if he was looking for someone “like me” but 10 years younger than me. Haha! Within two weeks of our first contact, I had been hired by his company making more money than I’d ever made. Because he wanted to honor my boss, he let me finish helping K&A close the business while working at E3. I still love my job today. God is truly an amazing provider!