Infections Bow Before Prayer!

Life Group Pastor Russ shares this amazing testimony of a woman not expected to live. Apparently, God had other plans. Halleluja!

Our friend Dora who undergoes dialysis weekly got a blood infection and was placed in the hospital. Sunday we got word that she had a severe blood infection and was going into sepsis. Dora was not expected to survive according to the hospital and her doctors.

My wife and I and another couple Kent and Zella visited her Sunday afternoon. Dora was sitting up in a chair and was in good spirits. We talked with her for a moment then laid hands on her and prayed for her healing. She was not yet on antibiotics because it would interfere with her scheduled dialysis on Monday, however the doctors were planning on starting a heavy-duty antibiotic on Monday.

Monday we got word that she was greatly improved. Rather than sepsis, she only had a “light infection” and the doctors were calling in specialists to review findings to confirm this unexpected turn.

Today I got this text from David one of our church leaders. “Just got word from Rose….Dora’s infection is completely gone. Doctors amazed…I will be going to see Dora in a little while.”

God is good and true to his word.

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