Healing Rooms – NAMETAGS

During Healing Rooms in January, I was a part of the prophetic team. We had a young man come in that morning. I saw him when he walked in the front door, at the moment, I saw him in a suit of armor. I could have as easily missed it, as caught it. I said to the Lord if this is something for me to share with him, have him come to my group. Later that morning he came to my group, so I knew the Lord had something in what I saw. We took a moment to pray and I felt the Lord say, You have been wearing a suit of armor to protect yourself but the Lord is becoming your armor and He will be your protection. Later in our time I also saw him with a bunch of name tags on all over him with different things on them that other people had put on him, I felt like we were to do a prophetic act of taking all those names off and putting the name of SON on him. As we did, you could feel the heaviness lift off of him. He told us later that all those words were right on and that he had just became a son! It is so amazing how God gives us little glimpses into others and get to show them how much our God loves them!

-Alisha Hill

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