Healing and Salvation

Pastor Randy had this exciting encounter over the holidays.

Went home for Christmas break and was told by my brother upon arrival that the had scheduled a prayer meeting with a friend who was going in the next day for back surgery.

We went to pray for Steve M and when we arrived he was in pain when he walked. On a scale of 1-10 he stated that it was a 12. We prayed and had him test it out and he was shocked by the fact that the 12 had gone to a 4. He said, “Now, I am not lying to you, it is a 4, I wouldn’t lie to you.”

Before we had prayed Steve was talking about the surgery and that he had told his wife Kerri that if anything happened while he was in surgery that he wanted her to know he loved her and that he believed in God and hoped he would go to heaven. I asked him if he was sure and he said he didn’t think anyone could be sure. Well, I jumped on that like a duck on a june bug and stated that he could know for sure. Then we prayed for his healing, Jesus healed him and He accepted the salvation jesus died for and became a brother in Christ. What great Christmas present!!!

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