He needs a HUG!

I was taking the Loving On Purpose Life Academy course––Relationships 101 during this time.
I was running a crew, the crew changes often but the crew today I have had many times. Able one of the guys at some point will complain that I’m too picky, you ask too much, we were not told that you needed this. I have gotten use to this and must say I did not like working with him. Today, like the others, he finally got to the point to start complaining. I started tuning him off mentally knowing I need to go get more parts. While driving, I had the thought he needs a hug but that’s not me! Well we were finishing up and he started complaining again, I kind of had it and said able you need a hug and I had my arms open and he gave me a big hug and he said thank you. I really appreciate that. Wow thank you God .
He said some other nice things I don’t remember because I was trying to process what just happened. Before they left I had given him two more hugs.

I credit GOD, Jesus, and Holy Spirit first. Also thank you my Summit Church.

P.S. As of 7/31/23 I have not worked with him but am looking forward to see if things are more positive.

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