Divine Favor

Here are a couple of great reports from Lisa:

We prayed on Thursday night for my boss and her son.

We had 2 requests:

-She is moving and wanted one particular house to rent. She had looked at 2 others but really wanted this one. She has some problems with her credit so there was a hold-up on the decision by the owners. She got the house!!!!!!

-Her son, Dylan had a growth behind his ear. It was several shades of black and the dermatologist removed it emergently as he was sure it was cancer. We prayed Thursday night. She was so worried all week. I told her that God was taking care of it for her. The report came back negative!!! When the dermatologist saw them for follow up he told them that he thought it was cancerous when he removed it. Of course, it probably was… BUT GOD?!!!!

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