God shows up on Sundays… and other days too

Here is a list of the testimonies from the past Sunday service time in the altar. There were two rounds of healing and here is what God did…

  • Becca’s stomach was healed
  • Crystal’s shoulder, wrists, and back were healed
  • Terry’s elbow was healed
  • Troy’s back was healed
  • Lee’s hand was healed

These are some additional reports we have received about what God is doing lately…

  • Bernice received a report about a month ago that her white blood cell count was high and there were white blood cells in her urine. Their first Sunday here someone gave a word of knowledge that God wanted to heal blood disorders. We prayed for her and this past week she received another report that everything was normal!
  • David and Debbie’s daughter who was an addict and in jail has been released and she is healthy, going to church, and has a job that she is excelling in. God has turned her life around.
  • Debbie’s father was diagnosed with lymphoma. Recently he went in and the Doctors told him that the cancer cells had not grown any, in fact the may have even shrunk. The doctor was not able to say he was in remission but they are going to do one more round of chemo. So keep him in your prayers!
  • David has been mentoring Ronnie who is in Eastham unit in Lovelady TX. One Sunday David had a strong burden for him, so he prayed and when they had a chance to talk, David asked what happened that day. Ronnie told him that on that day there was a motorcycle group that was there and God showed up.

    There were gang members laying down their colors, homosexuals laying down their lifestyles and many people were saved. Ronnie teaches a

    bible study and his class attendance in now at 47! Praise God!

  • The church van’s air conditioner which was not working has begun working again! God cares about the things that matter to us!!!

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