God heals through Sozo ministry

sozo-logo-smallWe recently had someone come in for Sozo ministry who had experienced a very abusive childhood. One of the things that was dealt with in the Sozo was a wall of sadness that would surround her, causing her to weep, often for no reason at all. Another problem was that she would try to do housework and would be triggered due to her abusive past and just shut down, often experiencing physical and emotional pain that would send her to bed for the rest of the day.

When this sozoee came into the office recently, she reported that shortly after her appointment she realized that she wasn’t crying as often. The overwhelming sadness was no longer occurring!

She also reported that she had not been triggered by housework since her appointment. For nearly two months she had been free from something that had affected her for her whole life!

Halleluja! God is so good!

If you need a breakthrough in some area of your life, Sozo ministry may be able to help.
Find out more about Sozo here.

Comments 1

  1. Caleb Dickey

    Hi my name is Caleb and I am hoping to schedule a sozo session. I am preparing for engagement, and I want to make sure that I undergo freedom and healing so that I don’t bring unnecessary junk into my marriage! I am recommended by Dawn and Tim Martin from Upperroom.

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