God heals rheumatoid arthritis pain

She came to the altar Sunday morning with Rheumatoid Arthritis as her diagnoses from the Dr. in 2004. She had stopped taking the medications over a year ago and was in a lot of pain in her hands, hips and knees. I asked her the level of pain in each area. She stated that her hands were about a 5, her hips and knees were about an eight. We released the Kingdom and commanded healing. She began to shake under the influence and I asked her the pain level in her hands. She said there was no pain. When asked about her hips she formed a zero with her fingers. Then I asked her about her knees and she said they were about a two. Well, we serve a God of 100% so after praising God for what He had already done we went after the rest and WE GOT IT!! She was totally healed.

God, you rock.

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