God heals pre-leukemia

While on vacation in Lubbock, Tx a few weeks ago, I heard of an old friend who had been diagnosed with Pre-Leukemia. My daughters, my brother and I went to the hospital to pray for him. While we were there, the Holy Spirit manifested in the room and everyone present knew it.

Afterward I asked my friend what was going on in his body. He stated that when we arrived he was not feeling well but after we prayed he was now feeling better and stronger. I told him that he would continue to gain strength and that he would receive a report from the Dr. that he was cancer free.

Today I received a call form my brother telling us that our friend received a report from his Dr. stating, “there is no cancer in your body!!!”

PRAISE GOD, He is still healing when we RE-PRESENT Him in this earth! You to can be a healer!

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