God can handle Lymphoma

God is moving! A few months ago a request came in from a church member to pray for her friend, “M”. Here is an update on how things are going now.

Last year M had surgery to remove blood clots in her lungs. God brought her through that very dangerous surgery with flying colors. But earlier this year she was having trouble breathing and went back in and had another battery of tests.

She found out in June she had Non-Hodgkins Large B-Cell Lymphoma and it was already in Stage 3 (4 being the worst).

She was so scared. We talked for a long time and she accepted Christ. Now I’m praying that someone is there to support her decision (her family are non-believers).

So she started chemo on 6/19 and has had it every 3 weeks since (treatments last for 4-5 days each). I think she only has 1-2 treatments left to do. She got a serious infection but that, too, is going away.

Praise our Lord – He is so good!

The note below is from M’s daughter.

Based on the lung scan, my mom is responding to treatment very well. The blood clot which was leaning on her trachea is GONE. There is still some engorged areas on the lymph nodes near the lung, but they are REDUCING. They think she has an infection – possibly in one of her Lovenox injection sites. They did an aspiration of the big lumpy spot, but it was only blood (good sign).

But – they admitted her anyway b/c they want to start her on an IV antibiotic to try and clear any infection before they start the next round of chemo.
Praise the Lord! He’s not finished with M yet and what a testimony she will have when her tests show that she is completely cancer-free.

Please continue to pray for M and her family in this situation – blood clots and cancer have no place in her body anymore!

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