Foot pain vanishes!

Jesus said to change lives “as you go”. Here is a testimony of another person healed because of a chance encounter Pastor Randy had at the bank.

So it began before we left on our Eastern Europe Mission. I was in the bank taking care of some last minute details when the President of the bank came to greet me limping. I asked what was going on and he stated that he had a cyst or tumor on his foot and it was causing him a lot of pain. He went on to tell me that the Dr. had told him that they would do surgery next week and remove it. We walked in to his office and I asked if I could pray for him and he said yes.
I moved a chair around his side of the desk and sat down asked him to hand me his foot. He said do I need to remove my shoe? He did and I took his foot and began to release testimonies of how God had healed arthritis and cancer. I asked what the pain level was on a scale of 1 to 10 and he said it was a seven. I then released the Kingdom into his foot declaring that this was illegal because there were no cysts, tumors or pain in heaven so it is not to be here on earth.
I then asked him to check it out and he stood up and put pressure on the foot. When I asked him what the level of pain was now his eyes got big and he smiled and said the pain was gone. As I prayed for his foot I felt the cyst reduce and declared that it would completely dissolve before the Dr’s appointment.

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