Financial Blessing… again!

Another great report of what God is doing for members of our congregation…

A week ago Friday I went and spent what money I had for tables and so forth for another event with my side business, I had been borrowing these items up until this point. Saturday morning, day of the big outdoor event, it was pouring down rain from 4:30 am until the late morning hours. Event fell through. I had no choice but to return the items purchased for a refund, one location would only give me a gift card and the other cash. I was wanting the credit back on my debit card, oh well, I need to go to the bank anyway to deposit a check I had collected from selling some product.

Well Monday rolls around and I completely forget about making the deposit. I get home and look at my account online? and I’m $4.04 overdrawn! I rush to the bank and deposit the money thinking I had dodged a bullet. I check the account again Tues afternoon and all the debit items posted and not the deposit. I was on the phone with the bank, but there was nothing they could do, I made the deposit after the “cut-off” time. (still doesn’t explain why the cash didn’t post) Now I’m overdrawn $40.00 plus, small balance items, of course. One was $1.50 for a cup of coffee at McDonald’s? so I’m looking at 5 NSF’s (because they pay the largest items first) that total $175.00.

I was so confused, I believe God has my back on this kind of stuff? and now I’m even more behind? What about the declaration we make? The very reason I give tithes is to have blessings on such matters. Minus 200.00 after fees and paid items? how is this legal, much less fair? I’m asking God how and why? Knowing all along it’s not His fault I didn’t go to the bank, but He’s saved me so many times before, why not this time??

So Thursday afternoon I go to the mail box, I couldn’t bring myself check the mail all week or to even look at another bill when there’s nothing in the bank to pay it? and sure enough there is a letter from my mortgage company. I’m thinking “Great? just what I need.” I run late sometimes, but not enough for them to send me a collection letter?!? I open it up and it says: Dear Ms. N ~ when reviewing your escrow account, it was determined you have overpaid!! Please accept this check in the amount of 496.38!! It had been there all along!!

The letter goes on~ because of the overpayments, my monthly payment will now be reduced!! LOL!! That’s what I get for doubting where God is at, huh?!? Because I lost faith I didn’t go to the mailbox, it had been there all along!!

Oh, and this is the best part? On my team at work is a very nice lady, I consider her a friend, however she is a self professed atheist. She knew what was happening on Tuesday (I told her) and I just couldn’t wait to tell her what happened on Friday. Hehehe!

I said, “remember how I went into overdraft Tuesday?” She replied, “Yeah, how did that all work out?” I said, “Well? I was really confused… I just couldn’t understand how this happened to me.” She said it happens to everyone. I said, “It wasn’t supposed to happen to me.” I explained I give my tithes out of faith every payday so God will protect me from this sort of thing (and yes, even my own lack of organization skills). She says, “You do?!?” (I wish you could have seen her face, at this point I could have been an alien from another planet). I said, yeah, and told her each week my church says a declaration asking for? God’s financial blessings on our lives, our church and our city. Again she had the same puzzled look. “You do?!?” only this time the pitch of her voice was higher. LOL! I said, “Yeah?. And look what was in my mailbox yesterday.” I showed her the check! This is so funny?. Her chin almost hit her desk!! And she says, “Oh my God!!”

( I didn’t say anything, but I’m thinking it sure is funny an atheist just acknowledged God because something amazing happed!) I said, “Yeah! Isn’t that great,” and went back to my seat.

Long story very short? I got almost the same letter from my water company. I overpaid them and they will be sending me a $350.00 check next week!!! This was due to my automatic payments from the bank going out more often than I had intended!! I had been paying too much every month for a year and a half.

Praise God!! I’m telling everyone!! How great God is!!

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