Divine Driveby Encounters

Just heard this testimony from one of our members. It’s awesome to know that we are changing the atmosphere, changing the culture, and changing the world, one encounter at a time.

il_570xN.390854404_3wqcThis is for you, Pastor Randy Hill…

Part of the message today was about the Samaritan who helped the man left on the side of the road to die. You asked your sheep if we would do the same. Would it be inconvenient for us to help a stranger? Well, God gave me an opportunity this evening after Life Group.

As I was traveling down the road, there was a couple who had run out of gas blocking one side of the two lane road. I pulled up to them and asked what they needed. It was about 7:30 and the temps had dropped to 49 degrees. I had no coat and was looking forward to going home since I was tired, but because God has given me His compassionate heart, I wanted to help.

I drove down a few miles to Walmart and the employee helped me assemble the gas can and then pumped some gas in it for me. After paying for all the items, I went back to where they were stopped. Thankfully a policeman had come up and was directing traffic. I gave the gentleman the can with gas and then drove back to Walmart to put gas in my own van. A few moments later this same couple arrived to finish filling up their tank. I spoke with the driver again and found out that he was a believer. The driver encouraged me to talk to his wife (the had only been married 21 days) and God gave me a chance to pray for them and bless them.

Yep, I love Pappa God and those divine encounters.

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