Church property and shoulder pain

Here’s a great report from Pastor Randy.

I received a text today stating that the land another church in the city was looking at for their new building was being considered by the Buddhists to build a Temple in our city. We immediately started praying. I also emailed the pastor of the church telling him I would like to meet him at the land and come into agreement for it and stake the claim for the Kingdom and his church. His response was he could not meet right now because he was on the way to the realtor’s office. He also stated that he had a shoulder that was locked up and giving him pain. Wondering if it was an attack or a previous injury he requested prayer.

Instead of emailing again I called the pastor and caught him driving to an appointment to write a contract on the land. I asked if I could pray with him over the phone and he said, “please.” We came into agreement about the land but then we prayed about his shoulder. I asked him to check it out and his response told me that God had done something. I asked him to consider where it was on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being no change 10 being completely healed. He started saying “Wow!” and chuckling and told me the pain had significantly reduced and the had more movement. We prayed again and in a matter of moments all the pain had left and he had full range of motion.

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