Children’s Sozo Training

Join us for the 2024 Bethel Children’s Sozo Training
Saturday, August 3rd from 9am – 5 pm.

This training is for people that work with children and want to see them connected to their Heavenly Father. You do not have to be trained in other Sozo tools to benefit from this training.

This training is best for:

  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Children’s Church Workers
  • CPS Workers
  • Foster Parents
  • Adoptive Parents

Randy & Alisha will be teaching the Bethel Children’s Sozo tools which will include all of the Basic Sozo tools that are used in a Children’s Sozo session.

It will be all the tools taught from the angle of using them to help children get connected or in an adult session when the tool hasn’t been successful in its original form.

We recommend this training for anyone already doing Sozo. We also recommend this training for anyone working with children period. Children receive best when ministered to in the moment. So parents, teachers, Sunday school teachers, youth group leaders, older siblings, older name it. If you are with kids and loving them you need these tools to be able to connect them to a Father that is ready to fill all of their needs.

Although there are requirements to be able to do a Bethel Children’s Sozo there are no requirements for taking these tools into your present ministries and using them to get kids connected.

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