Changing Lives Through Prophetic Art

Gina, a member of our prophetic art team, shared this testimony. What she didn’t share is that she has sometimes questioned whether God was really using her through art. Great confirmation of destiny for two different people who stepped out of their comfort zones!

On Wednesday March 21st a portion of our Creative Arts Team went to River of Glory in Plano to teach a class on Prophetic art. During the class we shared how giving someone a picture with a prophetic word could release the power of God’s love and help people to step into the destiny God has for them. As we demonstrated how this could be done, God met several of the people in the room, right at the point where they were struggling and/or looking for an answer, although we had no prior knowledge of this and had picked them at random.

After the class had ended one of the ladies in the room shared with Terry, another woman from the class, that she had been disappointed that she had not received a picture. During their evening service Terry drew her a picture and gave it to her and shared a word with her that touched her.

Two days later at a conference Terry came up to me so excited to share that story and then preceded to give prophetic art to other people during the conference. “Thank you for sharing this with me,” she told me. “I just feel like this is who I am.” She had been speaking prophetically over people, but it had been a stretch. She discovered that creating art and sharing it with others just seemed to fit with her personality and style.

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