Brain tumor healed!

Possibly the only thing more exciting than releasing the Kingdom and seeing God move, is having the opportunity to activate others to release the Kingdom and see God move through them. Pastor Randy received this awesome testimony when he recently returned to Taiwan.

Photo By: Marcus Melendez

Three years ago I travelled to Taiwan with a to minister Sozo Training as well as other things. One of the ministries we released while we were there was Prophetic Art, releasing the prophetic word through the arts. I just recently returned to Taiwan to do another conference there with the same church. When I arrived for the first meeting I noticed that they were planning to do Prophetic Art during the meetings. I was excited to see the fruit of our ministry from three years ago however nothing could prepare me for what happened in the meetings.

For one of the meetings the leaders had asked the Art team to paint or draw “words of knowledge” for healing to be released in that meeting. One member of the team came to the front with a drawing of a brain with a tumor and released the word that God wanted to heal a brain tumor.

In the audience that day was a lady who had been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor previously and had already gone through surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery had been successful as far as removing the tumor and she had been declared cancer free. However, during the surgery something went wrong and when all was said and done she had stroke like symptoms on one side of her body and could not walk without assistance. She had come this day but had to be escorted and assisted to her seat.

When this art was shown and the word released she thought, “Well, that is not my word because while I had a brain tumor it has been removed and I no longer have one.” Then another member of the art team got up and said, “Not only is there a tumor but it is a cancerous tumor.” Again this lady thought, “Well, yes I did have a tumor and it was cancerous, but it is gone and I am cancer free.” After that thought another member of the team got up and said, “Not only is there a tumor and it is cancerous but, you also have stroke like symptoms in one side of your body.” At that this dear lady thought, “That is my word.”

She rose form her seat to indicate that this was her word and the team laid the art on her head and released the kingdom. In a few minutes, this lady who had required assistance to her seat was walking and running around the room totally healed!!!

One last thing, she actually had the MRI of her brain with the location of the tumor and it was a match to the picture that had been done prophetically by the artist. Wow, wow, wow! God is amazing and so are His people who take risks!

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