April Update from Iquitos, Peru

Greetings from the Jungle!

We are delighted to report to you this month, that God has opened a new door of opportunity for us!  We are helping a local pastor to record messages, put them on dvds, and send them out to a chain of home groups.  The first week 8 people gave their hearts to the Lord!  God has supplied us with the equipment, home video camera, computer, etc. to make this vision possible.  The home groups are right here in Iquitos!  We pray for God’s blessing on this new work, and on the new believers who have come to Him!

Pastor Salomon’s church is continuing to grow.  We’re having weekly classes there for the ladies, as well as teaching in the church from time to time.  God is blessing and the church is growing!  We are continuing to pray with the church there for a building.  They are putting their faith into action, they have been having fund raising event for the building fund.  We’re praying for God to supply this need!  We know He can, He is faithful!

It’s that time of year again when the river is rising.  Quite rapidly this year, in the past 2 weeks it has risen at least 3 feet.  Pastor Salomon’s house only has about a foot to go before the water will be in his home.  He has raised the roof on his house, and is saving money to be able to raise the floor as well.  We would love to be able to help him with this.  With the river rising, mosquitos are also in the increase again, so please keep your prayers going up for no increase in Dengue Fever cases.

Pastor Silver’s house is above water level, but his house is badly in need of a new roof.  His family may as well be sleeping under the stars when it rains, they have almost no protection. He has purchased plastic to put over the roof, to help direct the flow of water.  

The government has started a new program here, they are giving classes to Pastors.  After the completion of this class, Pastor receive a certificate.  With this certificate, they can teach Bible in the public schools and universities.  Our own Pastor Silver is going to this class!  The class is designed to verify that these pastors do indeed know the Bible, and won’t be teaching anything way out there, only what the Bible says.  We are excited to see one of our pastors be able to reach the children and youth in the public schools!

Elections for President of Peru were held here on Sunday, and there is going to be a second vote this year.  No one won with enough votes to be declared the winner.  The second vote will be between the top 3 winners of the last election.  One man running is good friends with President  Chavez of Venzuela, and shares many of his beliefs.  (Not good!)   Popular opinion among the missionaries is that if this man is elected, life will become very difficult if not impossible for missionaries here!  Another is a lady, the daughter of former President Fujimori.  The former president is now serving time in prison for his actions while in office.  Seems his personal bank account grew to unimaginable proportions while he was in office!  The 3rd candidate is a man who was born in Peru but has spent most of his life in the United States.  He is a very successful business man, and his major campaign is to eliminate corruption in the government.  Most believers think he would be very good for Peru.  The second election will be held on June 5th.  We are praying for God’s will to be done, and His choice to win!  We would appreciate your prayers as well!

Want to update you on Pastor Javier’s family.  Since his son went home to be with the Lord on March 21st, God has been answering our prayers on behalf of his son Eli.  Eli was checked out thoroughly by the doctors in Lima, and he has received a clean bill of health.  No problems of any sort that they could find.  The doctors here also suspect that his wife and two sons all died of heart problems, a heritedary problem, that they didn’t know about.  If this assumption is true, his only remaining child by his first wife is his daughter Priscilla.  Priscilla has been having chest pains.  They are going to get her to a doctor and have her checked.  That would explain why Eli’s heart had no problems, he is the first child of Javier’s second marriage.  We ask that you please continue your prayers for this family, specifically Priscilla.  Thank you so much for your prayers, God is listening!

We’re preparing out trip to visit the States this summer, and the first thing on our agenda is a car.  We need one!  Many of you will remember our car was totaled at the last of our trip last year, when we were in the middle of a 4 car pile up on the turnpike.  
We’re praying for a good reliable vehicle, please pray with us, we know God has just the right one.

We so appreciate your prayers and support.  We ask that you please pray over this letter, and should the Lord lead you to help financially with any part (or all), please mark your check for that specific purpose, and we’ll see that all of your donation goes to the appropriate spot.  Together we can see that the needs of God’s people here are met.  It is by showing them the love of Jesus that we reach many.

Thank you to each of you who have stood with us through your finances and prayers!  We so appreciate your help, we know we couldn’t do this alone.  We are honored to partner with you.  If you haven’t had a chance to support this work through your finance and prayers, we would like to invite you to do so.  We welcome your help!  You may send your tax deductible donations to:

Adams Missionary Fund
Church on the Rock OKC
PO Box 720006
OKC, OK 73172-0006

Serving With Joy,

Jerry, Connie & Kaitlyn 
Iglesia Sobre La Roca, Peru

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