A LifeGroup prayed about Lymphoma…

This report comes from Amber.  Not only does God heal cancer – he allows us to be a part of the process!

My dad was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma a few days before the Thanksgiving holiday. His body was COVERED in tumors and would need to under go chemo therapy as soon as possible. Because his insurance is Medicare, the “part B” just wouldn’t cover anything to get the process started and he went through A LOT just to get the chemo going.

The life group prayed for him not only to get the insurance mess straightened out, but also for healing in his body.

Yesterday he followed up with his oncologist after three rounds of chemo; the tumor in his Kidney is GONE! The tumors in all his lymphoids are GONE!

The tumors in his spleen & liver have shrunk!!

My dad has been a heart patient with heart attacks, triple bypass and pacemaker.

The strength of his heart increased from 44% to 56%. (Percent of what I’m not sure)

Apparently he will still need to undergo an additional 3 chemo treatments, each 3 weeks apart, but what an amazing improvement! Let’s keep believing that he will come through this completely restored.

Amber also had another great report…

PLUS~ I too received healing. Thanks to the prayers for healing on the 28th, my March 4th surgery was cancelled!! This is after I had obtained a second opinion and was told the only way to fix my finger was to surgically remove the blockage causing the problem. That would have meant little to no use of my right hand for almost a month.

Praise the Lord!!!

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