Stewardship is the only boat that will float in this economic sea. The world dangles “get rich quick” promises in front of us, but what would you do if it actually happened? Most claim they would give, help others, and invest for the future. But would they really? The test of what you would do with unlimited resources is what you are doing with the limited resources you already have. The Kingdom Stewardship Principle proves that when you are faithful with anything given to you by God, it will be increased for His kingdom.
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Product Description
Stewardship is the only boat that will float in this economic sea. The world dangles “get rich quick” promises in front of us, but what would you do if it actually happened? Most claim they would give, help others, and invest for the future. But would they really? The test of what you would do with unlimited resources is what you are doing with the limited resources you already have. The Kingdom Stewardship Principle proves that when you are faithful with anything given to you by God, it will be increased for His kingdom.