Life Academy Class – Questions For Jesus

Wednesdays starting March 5th – May 7th
From 7pm – 9pm

When was the last time you asked Jesus to tell you what he likes about you?

Questions for Jesus is an experiential guide to developing a profound intimacy with a good God, by asking him what you most long to know. If you want to go beyond rule-following, repeating the right words and asking to be bailed out, and have real conversations with Jesus, this book will help launch you on that journey.

The key to Questions for Jesus is that it teaches you to pray on the level of your deepest desires. For each place in Matthew’s gospel where Jesus speaks to what the heart longs for, we’ve provided a short meditation, a set of very profound questions for Jesus, and space to record what he says when you ask.

The purpose of the meditations is for you to experience the story scripture is telling. The language of the heart is image, metaphor, and experience, not logic or words. Therefore, connecting with Jesus at the heart level means reading these passages as stories, not as theology. You need to put yourself into them—feel them and live them. What does the setting look like? What are the characters thinking and feeling? What is at stake in the situation these people are facing? How would it impact my heart if I were there?

Each meditation is followed by five questions for Jesus that grow out of the story, provided by an author who a world-class practitioner in the art of asking is. Some questions probe what was going on inside Jesus in the situation, others ask him to directly touch a deep longing of your heart, and still others are just you and Jesus talking about your friendship. Since the best corollary on earth of the relationship between Jesus and his people is marriage, the questions are the kinds of things two people in love might ask each other.
Check out a clip of the class HERE.

To sign up for the class please register through clicking the link below.

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